Home Rudraksha Seven Mukhi Rudraksha – Everything You Need To Know!

Seven Mukhi Rudraksha – Everything You Need To Know!

Seven Mukhi Large Rudraksha
Seven mukhi Rudraksha

The Seven Mukhi Rudraksha is a powerful bead that is known for its many benefits. It is ruled by the planet Saturn and is associated with the deity Goddess Lakshmi. In this article, we will explore the essence of this divine bead, its benefits, and who should wear it.

As per Shastras

।। सप्त्वक्त्रो महेशानीहुह्यनंगो नाम नामतः धारणातस्य देवेशी दरिद्रोपीश्वरो भवेत् ।।

शिवपुराण, अ २५, श्लो ७२

The Seven Mukhi Rudraksha is of Anang form. Even a poor person becomes Ishwar (Full of Possessions) by wearing it.

Shiv Purana, Chapter. 25, Shloka. 72

Essence of Seven Mukhi Rudraksha

The Seven Mukhi Rudraksha is of Anang form and is blessed by the Saptamatrikas, providing the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. The 7 Sages known as Saptarishis, Sun, Mahasen, Anang and Ananta, the snake also bless this bead. The word “Ananta” (infinite) actually gives an insight into the several powers the wearer of this bead can access. The blessing of Goddess Lakshmi brings in wealth, fame, progress and removes bad luck.

Seven Mukhi Rudraksha blessed by Goddess Laxmi
Seven Mukhi Rudraksha blessed by Goddess Laxmi

Benefits of wearing the Seven Mukhi Rudraksha

The Seven Mukhi Rudraksha nullifies the negative impact of Saturn and brings financial and career growth. It is believed that two beads of the 7 Mukhi can be placed in the safe, purse or the cashbox to attract more financial income. It is also beneficial for the neck, nerves, lower back and kidneys.

  • General Benefits:

Nullifies the negative impact of Saturn.

Helps stabilize finances and brings an upward trend in gaining income.

Placing two beads of 7 Mukhi in the safe, purse, or cashbox can attract more financial income.

  • Spiritual Benefits:

Energizes the Manipura/Solar plexus Chakra, associated with personal power.

Enhances internal strength, desire, emotional instinct, and strong gut feeling.

  • Health Benefits:

Beneficial for the neck, nerves, lower back, and kidneys.

Wearing 32 beads of 7 Mukhi in a Kantha is a powerful tool for recovering from paralytic attacks.

Gives divine energy to affected limbs while helping the wearer gain control over them.

7 Mukhi Rudraksha
7 Mukhi Rudraksha

Who should wear the Seven Mukhi Rudraksha

The 7 Mukhi Rudraksha is effective in controlling the malefic effects of Saturn. It is advised for people suffering from muscular pain, arthritis and other ailments associated with bones and nerves. It is worn by professionals as well as businessmen.

7 Mukhi Rudraksha Pendant
7 Mukhi Rudraksha Pendant

Story of Goddess Lakshmi and 7 Mukhi Rudraksha

Goddess Lakshmi is known for bestowing wealth and abundance. When she was in Devlok, Lord Indra was resplendent and mighty as the king of Devatas. When he was cursed for his arrogance and carelessness by the Sage Durvasa, Goddess Lakshmi leaves him, rendering him weak and without glory. She then graces the Naaglok as well as the lower world of the Asuras. The king of Asuras, Bali was blessed abundantly by her. When the quest for Amrut began, it was decided to churn the ocean. Both Devas and Asuras saw her emerging from the ocean of milk amidst the churning. She promptly chose Vishnu as her husband and went with him to Vaikuntha. It is in this place that she sat with her husband on the mighty Ananta Naag and displayed her Sthira (stable) form.

7 Mukhi Rudraksha
7 Mukhi Rudraksha

The Padma Purana states that seven mighty snakes live in the seven facets of the 7 Mukhi Rudraksha. Nagas / snakes are mighty elemental beings. The wearer of this bead stays unaffected by poisoning of any kind because of the grace of these Nagas. Crimes like theft, adultery and drug abuse amount to negative Karma and sins. This bead absolves the sins resulting from them.


The Seven Mukhi Large Rudraksha is a popular bead because of its multiple benefits. It is advised for people suffering from muscular pain, arthritis, and other ailments associated with bones and nerves. Wearing this bead and performing Sandhya Vandana and chanting the Gayatri Mantra is considered to be a very special ritual in Hinduism. The wearer of the 7 Mukhi Rudraksha stays true to the innate nature of his soul even while he leads a successful life in the material world. Fortune favors those who surrender with a pure heart to the Goddess of Fortune (Mahalakshmi).

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