The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a comprehensive book where Maharishi Patanjali describes the 196 sutras on the theory and practice of Yoga.
Though Yoga was being practiced in the pre-vedic period, Maharishi Patanjali systemized and codified the existing Yogic practices, its meaning and its related knowledge.
Maharishi Patanjali is believed to have lived in the 2nd Century BCE. Maharishi Patanjali is said to be the reincarnation of Adishesha, the 1000-head serpent who is said to support Lord Vishnu. As per legend, he fell in the form of a serpent into the hands of a virtuous woman named Gonika, who was praying for a son. It is believed that the serpent was none other than Adishesha, who reincarnated as Patanjali.
Another legend says that once while watching Lord Shiva dance, Adishesha was unable to support the weight of Lord Vishnu. Upon asking the reason for this, he was informed by Lord Vishnu it was because of his harmony with Lord Shiva’s state of energy owing to the practice of Yoga. Realizing the benefits of Yoga, Adishesha decided to be born amongst human to impart the knowledge of the great art. Hence he took birth in the form of Patanjali.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a comprehensive book where Maharishi Patanjali describes the 196 sutras on the theory and practice of Yoga. In the book, Patanjali defines Yoga as having eight components or stages Ashtanga (eight limbs). These eight limbs in Yoga are Yama (abstinence), Niyama (observances), Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing exercises), Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (the highest state of consciousness). The eightfold path of Yoga shows the way to live a better life through Yoga.
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Also read-: Significance of Upanayana Sanskaar
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